Turkmenistan 2007
ST-07 - Cesta do STANS - Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan a zastavka v Istanbulu v Turecku Termin cesty: 29.5. - 23.6. 2007 PROGRAM: Dne 29.5. odjizdim autem z pujcovny ve 4 hod. rano z Visty do 160 km vzdaleneho letiste v Los Angeles. Odtud v 8 hod. letim do New Yorku, kde jsem v 16:30 hod. Zde se setkavam s nekolika spolucestujicimi v nadchazejiciho zajezdu. Vecer odletame do Istanbulu v TURECKU, kde pristavame v poledne 30.5. Odpoledne travime odpocinkem v hotelu nebo prochazkou po meste. Zde se k nam pripojuji zbyli clenove zajezdu. Pozde vecer nastupujeme do letadla do Turkmenistanu. Dne 31.5. ve 2:30 rano pristavame v Aschabadu v TURKMENISTANU. Mezi casem v Kalifornii a v Turkmenistanu je rozdil 12 hodin, to znamena, ze jsem na opacne strane zemekoule. Dne 1.6. odjizdime z Aschabadu na dvoudenni cestu do mesta Mary. Jedeme pousti Karakum (znamena “cerny pisek”) a zastavujeme u vykopavek mest Anau a Abiwerd. V Mary navstevujeme archeologicke museum a zustavame pres noc. Pristi den si prohlizime vykopavky mesta Merv, ktere jsou nejvetsi atrakci Turmenistanu. Bylo to dulezite mesto na Hedvabne stezce az do chvile, kdy bylo vypleneno a vsichni obyvatele zabiti Mongoly v roce 1221. Pak se vracime do Aschabadu, ktery si vc. velke trznice prohlizime dopoledne dalsiho dne. Mesto je plne monumentu nedavno zemreleho dozivotniho prezidenta Niyazova. Vetsinou se jedna o jeho pozlacene sochy v nadzivotni velikosti a moderni stavby, ktere byly postaveny na jeho prikaz. Odpoledne podnikame vylet k vykopavkam mesta Nissan na upati pohori Kopet Dag, ktere zde tvori hranici s Iranem. Posledni den v Turkmenistanu letime z Aschabadu do severni casti zeme na prohlidku vykopavek mesta Konye-Urgenc, jez bylo jednu dobu hlavnim mestem historickeho Chorezmu. Odtud mame jen 30 minut jizdy k hranici UZBEKISTANU a nase prvni mesto v teto zemi je Nikus. Nase prvni noc v Uzbekistanu je v jurtach v pousti. Pristi rano si prohlizime pevnost Aves Kala, nacez jedeme do World heritage Site Chiva, jejiz prohlidce venujeme plne dva dny. Je to nadherne mesto, ktere by melo byt v itinerary kazdeho navstevnika Uzbekistanu. Dne 7.6. pokracujeme pousti Kyzylkum (znamena “cerveny pisek”) do dalsiho drahokamu teto zeme, Buchary. Take teto venujeme dva dny. Vsechny historicke budovy jsou vzorne opraveny ale misto je prakticky bez lidi, takze mi chybi zivot v ulicich stare Buchary, na ktery si pamatuji z me prvni navstevy v roce 1965. Dne 10.6. opoustime toto stare meste, abychom navstivili mesto Shachrisabz, ktere Tamerlan ucinil svym sidlem, nebot se narodil v jeho blizkosti. V teto dobe je Tamerlan velmi popularni historickou postavou v Uzbekistanu a jeho velka socha zdobi stred mesta. Novomanzele se pod ni fotografuji. Odpoledne pokracujeme do dalsiho sperku v korune Uzbekistanu, Samarkandu, ktery byl ve 14 a 15 stoleti stredem Tamerlanovy rise. Pristi rano si prohlizime Samarkand a navstevujeme jeho hlavni monumenty jako Gur Emir (hrobka Tamerlana), Registan (namesti obklopene nadhernymi stredovekymi budovami) a mesitu Bibi-Chanym, ktera byla v roce 1965 temer v ruinach a nyni vypada jako nova. Pozdeji odpoledne jedeme do nedalekeho TAJIKISTANU a jeho mesta Penijikent s peknym muzeem, do ktereho nahlizime. Pak navstevujeme vykopavky starovekeho Penjikentu zalozeneho ve 4 st. pred nasim letopoctem a vidime take zbytky zoroastrickeho chramu. Po asi 3 hodinach v Tajikistanu se vracime zpet do Uzbekistanu. Na kratkosti navstevy nezalezi, protoze v roce 1965 jsem stravil daleko vice casu v teto zemi. Zpet v Samarkandu pokracujeme dalsi den v jeho prohlidce. Dnes navstevujeme Shach-i-Zinda (ohromny hrbitov). Je to nejvetsi kolekce mauzolei, kterou jsem kdy videl. Druha zastavka je u Ulukbekovy observatore. Po 500 letech z ni zbyva jen cast sextantu. Na zaver vidime vykopavky mesta Afrasiyab, jez je starsi nez sam Samarkand. Dne 13.6. jedeme nasim autobusem do hlavniho mesta Uzbekistanu, Taskentu. Ten si prohlizime odpoledne. Dne 14.6. cast nasi skupiny odleta do Kyrgyzstanu, zatimco druha cast leti domu. Mezi temi, kdo se vraci domu, je Ihab Zaki, ktery vlastni Spiekermann Travel Service a ktery s nami cestoval od Chivy. Prilet do Biskeku v KYRGYSTANU je dopoledne. Behem sovetske ery se toto mesto jmenovalo Frunze. Mesto si prohlizime odpoledne. Den nato je vylet do horskeho narodniho parku Ala-Archa s alpskou krajinou. Dne 16.6. opoustime Biskek. Jedeme na vychod podel velkeho jezera Issyl-Kul. S nekolika zajimavymi zastavkami prijizdime k veceru do mesta Karakul. Tak jako v jinych kyrgyzskych mestech i zde na nas ceka socha Lenina. Pristi rano si prohlizime hlavni zajimavosti mesta (trh se zviraty, cinskou mesitu a ortodoxni kostel). Odpoledne navstevujeme museum Prewalskeho mimo mesto. Dalsi den je celodenni vylet na jih od mesta Karakul do udoli Altyn Arashan, ktere je obklopeno zasnezenymi stity hor. Dne 19.6. odjizdime z Karakul do udoli Djety Orguz, jez je jakousi Shangri-la Kyrgyzstanu. Zde opet prenocujeme v jurtach. V noci je tu nezakryty vyhled na hvezdnou oblohu. Mlecna draha skutecne vypada jako zaclona lezici napric nebem. Pote pokracujeme v nasi jizde na zapad podel jizniho brehu Issyl-Kul. Jednu noc jsme v hotelu ve meste Tamga. To odpoledne travime na brehu zmineneho jezera, ve kterem se nekteri z nas koupaji. Dalsi den jedeme kolem zapadniho cipu jezera Issyl-Kul a vracime se do Biskeku. Jedno, co maji spolecneho vsechny ctyri zeme, ktere jsme navstivili, je naprosta cistota. To je neco, co se v mnoha zemich nevidi. Velmi casne rano 22.6. odleta nase skupina z Biskeku a pres Istanbul miri domu do USA. Ja menim letadlo v new Yorku za jine, ktere me bere do Los Angeles. Pak v aute z pujcovny domu do Visty, kde jsem ve 3 hod. rano 23.6. Cestovni kancelar: Spiekermann Travel Service - s kancelari v Detroitu v USA Ucast: Z Istanbulu v Turecku do Taskentu v Uzbekistanu je nas 16 cestovatelu a z Chivy do Taskenu s nami jede jeste Ihab Zaki, majitel Spiekermann Travel Service. V Kyrgyzstanu nas cestuje jiz jen 9. V kazde zemi mame anglicky mluviciho mistniho pruvodce.
Map of the trip 2007
Turkmenistan - Ashkhabad - our Hotel Nissa 2007
Turkmenistan - Ashkhabad - our Hotel Nissa 2007
Turkmenistan - Ashkhabad - our Hotel Nissa - view from my room window 2007
Turkmenistan - Ashkhabad - our Hotel Nissa - view from my room window 2007
Turkmenistan - Ashkhabad - our Hotel Nissa - view from my room window 2007
Turkmenistan - Ashkhabad - our Hotel Nissa - view from my room window - statue of former president Niyazov 2007
Turkmenistan - from Ashkhabad to Mary - Kopet Dag Mountains - tepe with historical ruins of Anau 2007
Turkmenistan - from Ashkhabad to Mary - historical Anau - new mosque 2007
Turkmenistan - from Ashkhabad to Mary - historical Anau - ruins of old mosque 2009
Turkmenistan - from Ashkhabad to Mary - historical Anau - ruins of old mosque - local people 2007
Turkmenistan - from Ashkhabad to Mary - historical Anau - ruins of old mosque 2007
Turkmenistan - from Ashkhabad to Mary - historical Anau - ruins of old mosque - local people and Cecilia 2007
Turkmenistan - from Ashkhabad to Mary - historical Anau - ruins of old mosque - local people and Jan and Mary 2007
Turkmenistan - from Ashkhabad to Mary - ruins of historical Abiwerd - tepe 2007
Turkmenistan - from Ashkhabad to Mary - ruins of historical Abiwerd 2007
Turkmenistan - from Ashkhabad to Mary - ruins of historical Abiwerd 2007
Turkmenistan - from Ashkhabad to Mary - ruins of historical Abiwerd 2007
Turkmenistan - from Ashkhabad to Mary - ruins of historical Abiwerd 2007
Turkmenistan - Mary - our Hotel Margus 2007
Turkmenistan - Mary - our Hotel Margus - lobby 2007
Turkmenistan - Mary 2007
Turkmenistan - Mary 2007
Turkmenistan - Mary - a new mosque is being built 2007
Turkmenistan - Mary - poster of the current president Gurbanguli Berdymukhamedov 2007
Turkmenistan - Mary - statue of former president Niyazov 2007
Turkmenistan - Mary 2007
Turkmenistan - ruins of historical Merv - herd of camels 2007
Turkmenistan - ruins of historical Merv - camel herdsmen 2007
Turkmenistan - ruins of historical Merv - entrance to the ruins 2007
Turkmenistan - ruins of historical Merv - Mausoleum of Sultan Sanjar 2007
Turkmenistan - ruins of historical Merv - Mausoleum of Sultan Sanjar 2007
Turkmenistan - new Merv 2007
Turkmenistan - ruins of historical Merv - Erk Kala (the oldest part of Merv) 2007
Turkmenistan - ruins of historical Merv - Erk Kala (the oldest part of Merv) 2007
Turkmenistan - ruins of historical Merv - view from Erk Kala to Mausoleum of Sultan Sanjar 2007
Turkmenistan - ruins of historical Merv - on Erk Kala 2007
Turkmenistan - ruins of historical Merv - view from Erk Kala 2007
Turkmenistan - ruins of historical Merv - on Erk Kala - Black-winged Stilt 2007
Turkmenistan - ruins of historical Merv - ruins of a cistern 2007
Turkmenistan - at ruins of historical Merv - Turkmenistan car licence plate 2007
Turkmenistan - ruins of historical Merv - Timurid mausoleum and cistern - local tourists 2007
Turkmenistan - ruins of historical Merv - Timurid mausoleum and cistern 2007
Turkmenistan - ruins of historical Merv - Askhabs's complex
Turkmenistan - ruins of historical Merv - Askhabs's complex
Turkmenistan - ruins of historical Merv - Askhabs's complex
Turkmenistan - ruins of historical Merv - Askhabs s complex from 15 century (Timurid mausoleum) 2007
Turkmenistan - ruins of historical Merv - fortress Great Kyz Kala 2007
Turkmenistan - ruins of historical Merv - under fortress Great Kyz Kala - herd of camels 2007
Turkmenistan - ruins of historical Merv - fortress Great Kyz Kala 2007
Turkmenistan - ruins of historical Merv - fortress Great Kyz Kala 2007
Turkmenistan - ruins of historical Merv - fortress Little Kyz Kala - our group 2007
Turkmenistan - ruins of historical Merv - Great Kyz Kala from Little Kyz Kala 2007
Turkmenistan - ruins of historical Merv - Mausoleum of Muhammad ibn Zayd - local girl 2007
Turkmenistan - ruins of historical Merv - Mausoleum of Muhammad ibn Zayd 2007
Turkmenistan - ruins of historical Merv - Mausoleum of Muhammad ibn Zayd 2007
Turkmenistan - ruins of historical Merv - at Mausoleum of Muhammad ibn Zayd 2007
Turkmenistan - between Merv and Mary 2007
Turkmenistan - near Mary - southern gate of the city 2007
Turkmenistan - near Mary - southern gate of the city 2007
Turkmenistan - Ashkhabad - Tolkuchka Bazaar 2007
Turkmenistan - Ashkhabad - Tolkuchka Bazaar 2007
Turkmenistan - Ashkhabad - Tolkuchka Bazaar 2007
Turkmenistan - Ashkhabad - Tolkuchka Bazaar 2007
Turkmenistan - Ashkhabad - Tolkuchka Bazaar 2007
Turkmenistan - Ashkhabad - Tolkuchka Bazaar 2007
Turkmenistan - Ashkhabad - Tolkuchka Bazaar 2007
Turkmenistan - Ashkhabad - Tolkuchka Bazaar 2007
Turkmenistan - Ashkhabad - leaving Tolkuchka Bazaar - Cecilia with local women 2007
Turkmenistan - Ashkhabad 2007
Turkmenistan - Ashkhabad 2007
Turkmenistan - Ashkhabad 2007
Turkmenistan - Ashkhabad 2007
Turkmenistan - Ashkhabad 2007
Turkmenistan - Ashkhabad 2007
Turkmenistan - Ashkhabad 2007
Turkmenistan - Ashkhabad 2007
Turkmenistan - Ashkhabad 2007
Turkmenistan - Ashkhabad - National Museum 2007
Turkmenistan - Ashkhabad - Monument of Independence - statue of former president Niyazov 2007
Turkmenistan - Ashkhabad - Monument of Independence - statue of former president Niyazov 2007
Turkmenistan - Ashkhabad - at Monument of Independence 2007
Turkmenistan - Ashkhabad - at Monument of Independence - change of guards 2007
Turkmenistan - Ashkhabad 2007
Turkmenistan - Ashkhabad - Earthquake Memorial 2007
Turkmenistan - Ashkhabad - Earthquake Memorial - Palace of Turkmenbashi (right) 2007
Turkmenistan - Ashkhabad - Arch of Neutrality - statue of Niyazov on the top 2007
Turkmenistan - Ashkhabad - under Arch of Neutrality - Palace of Turkmenbashi 2007
Turkmenistan - Ashkhabad - statue of former president Niyazov 2007
Turkmenistan - Ashkhabad 2007
Turkmenistan - ancient Nissa 2007
Turkmenistan - ancient Nissa 2007
Turkmenistan - ancient Nissa 2007
Turkmenistan - ancient Nissa 2007
Turkmenistan - ancient Nissa 2007
Turkmenistan - ancient Nissa - June, Norm, guide Mussa, (dr) Don, Cecilia 2007
Turkmenistan - ancient Nissa 2007
Turkmenistan - view from the wall of ancient Nissa 2007
Turkmenistan - ancient Nissa - new mud bricks 2007
Turkmenistan - Kopet Dag Mountains - Walk of Health 2007
Turkmenistan - Ashkhabad - paper money with former president Niyazov 2007
Turkmenistan - Ashkhabad - paper money the other side 2007
Turkmenistan - Konye-Urgench - Turabeg Khanym Mausoleum 2007
Turkmenistan - Konye-Urgench - Turabeg Khanym Mausoleum 2007
Turkmenistan - Konye-Urgench - Turabeg Khanym Mausoleum 2007
Turkmenistan - Konye-Urgench - Gutlug Timur Minaret - Sultan Tekesh Mausoleum - Sayid Ahmed Mausoleum 2007
Turkmenistan - Konye-Urgench - local women 2007
Turkmenistan - Konye-Urgench - man with kids 2007
Turkmenistan - Konye-Urgench - Gutlug Timur Minaret 2007
Turkmenistan - Konye-Urgench - Sultan Tekesh Mausoleum 2007
Turkmenistan - Konye-Urgench 2007
Turkmenistan - Konye-Urgench - Sultan Tekesh Mausoleum 2007
Turkmenistan - Konye-Urgench - Sultan Tekesh Mausoleum - local people 2007
Turkmenistan - Konye-Urgench - II-Arslan Mausoleum (the oldest standing monument here) 2007
Turkmenistan - Konye-Urgench - II-Arslan Mausoleum (the oldest standing monument here) 2007