Haiti 2015

Haiti - Ouanaminthe (border town with DR) 2015

Haiti - between Ouanaminthe and Cap Haitien 2015

Haiti - Cap Haitien - our hotel Habitation Jouissant 2015

Haiti - Cap Haitien - from our hotel Habitation Jouissant 2015

Haiti - Cap Haitien - our hotel Habitation Jouissant 2015

Haiti - Cap Haitien 2015

Haiti - south of Cap Haitien - village Milot 2015

Haiti - south of Cap Haitien - above village Milot - Citadelle 2015

Haiti - south of Cap Haitien - above village Milot - Citadelle 2015

Haiti - south of Cap Haitien - above village Milot - the rest of the claim to Citadelle is on a horse 2015

Haiti - south of Cap Haitien - above village Milot - Citadelle 2015

Haiti - south of Cap Haitien - above village Milot - Citadelle 2015

Haiti - south of Cap Haitien - above village Milot - Citadelle 2015

Haiti - south of Cap Haitien - above village Milot - Citadelle 2015

Haiti - south of Cap Haitien - above village Milot - Citadelle 2015

Haiti - south of Cap Haitien - above village Milot 2015

Haiti - south of Cap Haitien - above village Milot - San Souci Palace 2015

Haiti - south of Cap Haitien - above village Milot - San Souci Palace - Val and our guide 2015

Haiti - south of Cap Haitien - above village Milot - San Souci Palace 2015

Haiti - south of Cap Haitien - above village Milot - San Souci Palace 2015

Haiti - south of Cap Haitien - village Milot - view from San Souci Palace 2015

Haiti - south of Cap Haitien - village Milot 2015

Haiti - between Milot and Cap Haitien - local transportation 2015

Haiti - Cap Haitien 2015

Haiti - Cap Haitien 2015

Haiti - Cap Haitien 2015

Haiti - Cap Haitien - view from our hotel Habitation Jouissant 2015

Haiti - Cap Haitien - airport - our plane to Port-au-Prince 2015

Haiti - Port-au-Prince - sightseeing - Joanne and our guide 2015

Haiti - Port-au-Prince - sightseeing 2015

Haiti - Port-au-Prince - sightseeing 2015

Haiti - Port-au-Prince - sightseeing 2015

Haiti - Port-au-Prince - sightseeing - metal market building 2015

Haiti - Port-au-Prince - sightseeing 2015

Haiti - Port-au-Prince - sightseeing 2015

Haiti - Port-au-Prince - sightseeing 2015

Haiti - Port-au-Prince 2015

Haiti - Port-au-Prince - gingerbread houses 2015

Haiti - Port-au-Prince - gingerbread houses 2015

Haiti - Port-au-Prince - gingerbread houses 2015

Haiti - Port-au-Prince - sightseeing - statue of Petion 2015

Haiti - Port-au-Prince - sightseeing - Notre Dame Catholic Cathedral - after earthquake 2015

Haiti - Port-au-Prince - another church near Notre Dame Catholic Cathedral 2015

Haiti - Port-au-Prince - sightseeing - Notre Dame Catholic Cathedral - after earthquake 2015

Haiti - Port-au-Prince 2015

Haiti - Port-au-Prince - sightseeing - Musee du Pantheon National 2015

Haiti - Jakmel - view from Hotel Florita - ruins after 2010 earthquake 2015

Haiti - Port-au-Prince - sightseeing - Musee du Pantheon National 2015

Haiti - Port-au-Prince - sightseeing - statue of Christophe 2015

Haiti - Port-au-Prince - Haiti car licence plate 2015

Haiti - Port-au-Prince - from a mountain restaurant 2015

Haiti - Port-au-Prince - from a mountain restaurant 2015

Haiti - from Port-au-Prince to Jakmel 2015

Haiti - from Port-au-Prince to Jakmel 2015

Haiti - from Port-au-Prince to Jakmel - our driver and car 2015

Haiti - from Port-au-Prince to Jakmel - local transportation 2015

Haiti - Jakmel - view from Hotel Florita - ruins after 2010 earthquake 2015

Haiti - Jakmel 2015

Haiti - Jakmel 2015

Haiti - Jakmel - another gingerbread house 2015

Haiti - Jakmel - Place Toussaint L'Ouverture 2015

Haiti - Jakmel - Place Toussaint L'Ouverture - market 2015

Haiti - Jakmel - Bay of Jackmel 2015

Haiti - Jakmel - Bay of Jackmel 2015

Haiti - Jakmel - at Bay of Jackmel 2015

Haiti - Jakmel - at Bay of Jackmel 2015

Haiti - Jakmel - at Bay of Jackmel - new hotel 2015

Haiti - Jakmel - Hotel Florita - restaurant 2015

Haiti - from Jakmel back to Port-au-Prince 2015

Haiti - from Jakmel back to Port-au-Prince - corn hanging on a palm tree to dry 2015

Haiti - greater Port-au-Prince - local metal work art 2015

Haiti - greater Port-au-Prince - local metal work art 2015

Haiti - Port-au-Prince - Petion-ville - Best Western Hotel 2015